Not everyone comes up with witty, thoughtful, or earth-shattering sentiments to inscribe in an ordinary guest book. Leave it to Martha to come up with this clever alternative: Each dinner table bears a blank book with a question on the cover, such as “What is your favorite memory of us?” or “What should we name our kids?” Plus, each guest finds a pen and a ribbon, reading “Don’t forget to sign the booklet,” atop the napkin.
This is a great conversation-starter for guests, and assigned topics will result in thoughtful, humorous, touching inscriptions that you’ll definitely want to read over and over again!
You can find the clip art at Martha Stewart Weddings, so all you need to do is print them on waterproof paper that will make for sturdy book covers. The notebooks slip into one another to create one big, bookshelf-worthy tome. Or, you can create your own version by inventing your own questions and decorating notebooks in your own style.

Guest Book PDF /Notebooks, Start Here. / “Adventure” paper, by Nat Geo, from Eastern Mountain Sports. /”LePen” pen, by Marvy, from Lytha Studios.